Monday, January 12, 2009


Lily's 8 month update is long overdue- and I'm almost ready to post it- so in the mean time, Lily had this little development over the weekend. See those little bumps on her bottom left? Her first tooth is here! Click on the picture and you can really see it. We had to wait until she was sleeping with her mouth open (thanks to the cold that won't go away) to get a good look at it. Lately anytime anything gets near her mouth she licks it so it's been hard to get a look at it. You can definitely feel it if you put your finger in her mouth though (and she'll promptly BITE you, and lick you too).

We knew it was coming because she's been drooling A LOT and chewing on her fingers all. the. time. And finally one came through. Those little stinking eye teeth are still showing through her gums but don't seem any closer to coming through.

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